
Showing posts from February, 2022

Benefits of Wearing an N99 Mask during the Pandemic

  Pura Heal By now, you likely know better about masks than you knew before the pandemic. Amid the coronavirus situation, these masks have evolved as a lifeguarding tool for every human being on the planet. You already knew about N95 masks and how efficient they are. But lately, you may have heard about N99 masks as well. What is a N99 mask? The masks we use are called respirators. The names of these respirators are decided on a particular letter and a number. The letters indicate whether the mask is resistant to oil-based particles such as pesticides or solvents wherein, N= non-resistant R= oil-resistant P= fully oil-proof The number refers to the rate of particles or liquids that the mask filters out. The P and R masks are primarily made for industrial workers. After the pandemic, oil resistance masks are not particularly relevant since coronavirus particles aren’t oil-based. At the same time, non-resistant (N) masks are in higher demand than usual. According to the letter and numbe

Top 10 most popular books right now in India

  Books were always the most essential and extensively used sources of education, information, and entertainment. Even today, in the days of infotech and ebooks, books written by famous authors stay widely popular, with thousands of buyers every day.  The top 10 popular books of all time are as follows: #1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari This book is one of the most popular books of all time written by the famous author Mr Robin Sharma. It portrays an impressive story of a successful lawyer, Julian Mantle, propelled to encounter the spiritual situation of his disbalanced life. This story will give you a step-by-step framework to represent your zone of genius with incredible bravery, abundance and happiness. #2. The Psychology of Money  The Psychology of Money is penned by one of the famous authors - Morgan Housel. In this book, the author tells 19 brief tales studying the weird patterns people think about money and educates you on making better sense of the most essential matters of